When you need help you don't have time for busy numbers, no answers or anything else ....

... You need to deal with your situation right now and know that help is on the way!

That's where ProAlerts comes in. With a single click you can send your safety alert out to 10 of your family & friends.

They will get a notice that shows your exact location on an interactive, zoomable map.

They will also get driving directions and can use Google Maps or Waze to find you.

You can update your condition and location with just another click.

When you're safe you can click to mark yourself safe.

It's fun & easy to use.

Check out our demo to see it work in real-time.

Oh, and by the way...

ProAlerts also works to find your parked car and even walking directions if you're at the beach, lake or outdoor concert and you want your friends to find you.
Try the Real-Time DEMO
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